Recently, I was working on a small project to create a VSO dashboard widget (tile). One of my tasks was to create a tree view dropdown for area path, which pretty much similar to the Area Path dropdown control in VSO workitem. If you guys come here somehow then I am pretty sure you already went through these pages: Add dashboard tutorial Tree view documentation Therefore, I won’t go through content in those pages in detail. Instead of that, I will go directly to the part that I’ve done to make it works. This is the Analytics service from Visual Studio that I was using to retrieve the data of area paths. Here is how the data looks like

	"@odata.context" : "https://{host}_odata/$metadata#Areas",
	"value" : [{
			"ProjectSK" : "xxxx-xx-xxxxx",
			"AreaSK" : "xxxx-xx-xxxxx",
			"AreaId" : "xxxx-xx-xxxxx",
			"AreaName" : "ParentName",
			"Number" : 11111,
			"AreaPath" : "ParentName",
			"AreaLevel0" : "ParentName",
			"Level" : 0
		}, {
			"ProjectSK" : "xxxx-xx-xxxxx",
			"AreaSK" : "xxxx-xx-xxxxx",
			"AreaId" : "xxxx-xx-xxxxx",
			"AreaName" : "ChildName",
			"Number" : 1111,
			"AreaPath" : "ParentName\\ChildName",
			"AreaLevel0" : "ParentName",
			"AreaLevel1" : "ChildName",
			"Level" : 1
	"@odata.nextLink" : "https://{host}/_odata/Areas?$filter=contains(AreaPath%2C'xxxx')&$orderby=AreaPath&$skip=2000"

Based on the response, they are using odata so you might need something like this to grab all the data

that.getAllAreaPaths = function () {
	var deferred = $.Deferred();
	var result = [];
	var url = "https://{host}/_odata/Areas?$filter=contains(AreaPath,'xxxx')&$orderby=AreaPath";
	function getAreaPaths(){
		$.get(url).done(function (response) {
			result = result.concat(response.value);
				url = response['@odata.nextLink'];                    
	return deferred.promise();

So we already have all the data we need. Let’s build a tree using it.

var data = response;

//let's build a tree, create dictionary of nodes
var dictionaryNode = {};

_.forEach(data, (node) => {
	//Iterate throught each node property    
	if (dictionaryNode[node['AreaPath']]) {
		//it's already created then that's fine for now                            
	else {
		//we need to create new node                            
		var newNode = new TreeView.TreeNode(node['AreaName']); = node['AreaId'];
		newNode.value = node['AreaPath'];
		//add to dictionary
		dictionaryNode[node['AreaPath']] = newNode;
		//Wait! we need to link to its parent, let take a look at it's parent name
		var parentAreaPathKey = "";
		for (var j = 0; j < node['Level']; j++) {
			var parentLevelPropertyName = "AreaLevel" + (j);
			parentAreaPathKey += node[parentLevelPropertyName] + "\\";
		parentAreaPathKey = parentAreaPathKey.substring(0, parentAreaPathKey.length - 1); //remove last '\'  
		if (parentAreaPathKey) {

// Configure a few tree options
dictionaryNode['OSGS'].expanded = true; //hard coded OSGS for now
var treeViewOptions = {
	width: "100%",
	height: "100%",
	nodes: [dictionaryNode['OSGS']]
treeview = Controls.create(TreeView.TreeView, $('.areapath-wrapper'), treeViewOptions);

And of course we need to have html template for our control:

<div class="dropdown">
	<label>Area path</label>
	<div class="areapath-watermark">
		<span class="areapath-dropdown-watermark">Select area path</span>
		<span class="drop-icon bowtie-icon bowtie-chevron-down-light"></span>
	<div class="warpper">
		<div class="areapath-wrapper popup-content-control">

There are a few things left like CSS or some event bindings. I will let you guys figure it out yourself cause it depends on your scope. Example result Screenshot

Happy coding!

Hung Cao